The old saying - if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything - came to mind this morning. We humans seem to be in the agony of a meaninglessness crisis.
The old mores and values for many have been thrown on the scrapheap. The new anything goes culture leads to emptiness. The empty try to fill or numb themselves with outer things - consumerism, drugs, alcohol, random sex, hysterical and illogical demonstrations for things that are opposite of even self interest, or lose themselves in technology screens. They are overwhelmed by input, unable to discern what is and what is not accurate or helpful. They fall for the facism of wokeness - agree with me or be cancelled, fired from your job, excluded.
Spirit is divorced from the physical, no longer known to interpenetrate it and be part of everyday experience. Delusion of being able to control the manifest brings on a frenzy of bad ideas. Marxism, fell with the wall and the realization it was terrible inside the Ieon Curtain, but was kept alive by some so-called intellectuals. It entered the colleges and universities and then the high schools and elementary schools. The youth are taught our amazing way of life is bad, and Marxist ideas are great.
If God is no longer part of everything, calling us to higher ground, and is even said to not exist, nothing has meaning. One can do to their bodies and to the bodies of others and to Mother Earth whatever enters their minds. Nothing is sacred. God is said to not be there, as creation is some sort of random accident.
I suggest it is time to offer experiential Christianity. A Christianity that moves people deeply, to feel and know the sacredness of everything - of our own bodies, the bodies of every living thing, of the earth and the cosmos. To be able to have metanoia experiences where we personally come to know the things taught by the great Avatars, personally come to know things written and known by the great mystics.
It is time to awaken our spiritual senses, to go beyond theological arguments, to have moments of entering the Great Mystery. Not entertainment pseudo-church, rock bands, and loudness. Contemplation, meditation, deep prayer, transporting music, journaling, contact with nature, readings from the enlightened, and so forth. I have had a vision of this. I hope and pray someone feels this call, or many someones. If I were not about to turn 85 in a few days, I would go for it. I may go for it in a small way. I also know the following generation can step up and turn this meaningless crisis around. I ask you, do you feel the call?