One of my favorite mystics, Rufus Jones, was a modern Quaker who was filled with the Spirit. I reread his writings periodically. His"Inner Life"is overflowing with wonderfully powerful ideas in every sentence.
This morning, I've been contemplating his ideas about Pharisees and the Sermon on the Mount. He says the Pharisees' focus was on following the 600+ laws in the Torah, and doing that was their goal and their reward. It was an outward practice, do this and do that, don't do this or that. They did it because they thought they had to. They did what was required of them. There was no spontaneity, no passion.
The Sermon on the Mount, however was aspirational, inspirational, and an inner shift. Jesus tells us that we are salt, bringing savor, uplifting, all we touch. We are to pour goodness into all the channels of the world. We are to become lights of the Lord. When we are on fire with God, we draw others to us, and the fire of love ignites their souls too. We are contagious. Lighting the world with God's Love changes everything.
It's not about following laws, about being uptight and judgemental. It's about becoming a new person so filled with God that we participate in bringing about a Godly kingdom here and now, not in some distant future. We are part of the plan. We need to awaken, rise up, and be God's unconditional Love.
I urge you to read Matthew 5, 6 & 7 with different eyes and a different heart. Realize it is not plain prose. It is Near Eastern imagery, paradox, and is rife with layers of inner meanings.
Enter the spirit of 2,000 years ago. Hear with ancient ears. See with ancient eyes. Listen intuitively.
If you do, something wonderful will happen.